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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0292c39b.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-28  |  214KB  |  621x582  |  8-bit (231 colors)
Labels: laptop | monitor | reckoner
OCR: THE MONEY RANKINGS: TAXABLE BOND FUNDS Portfallo analyst: Awvorog pelt Fhra-you FUND NAME TYP Advantage GovemmentSecuritiss USG $13.271 $104.0 Nene S77 AegonUSA High Yleld Partiolla HYC 12 12.2 14,875 4.76 113 AIN High-Yield Securitios HYC 19, (1.7) 9.743 10. 11.9 4.75 132 Allfance Bond Mgh Yisd Portfolle HYC 33.0 (0.6) 9.397 104.7 4.75 133 Allance Bend onthlyIncomo Portfelio HeC 18.1 14,39 4.75 122 Allimce Bond-U.s. Gevomimant Portiolio A USG 15.7 12.0 11.271 0.0 494.7 4.75 104 AIlinnce Morigng Incomt ecurities MBS 15 14,878 $28.1 10B AllanceShert-Term Multl-MarbotA WI 2,194.5 American CapitalCorporate Bond HGC 16. 14,471 16. 86. Americar Capitali Fod sral Morg age A MES 13,613 19.4 1.70 American Copital Govermnent Socuritie USG 14,157 3,810. 1.7P Capital High YTela HYC 11,532 13.0 358.5 ...